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About us

Dr Denis Koltsov Have you ever had a nanotech idea or even developed and researched one but have never implemented it into a product? Have you received an amasing investment proposal but have no way to independently check if the nanotechnology is viable, scalable or promissing? Have you ever dealt with tight competition, specifications and international standards? Contact us if you answered "yes" to any of those questions.

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Particle Characterisation

HORIBA ViewSizer 3000
Maximize your particle analysis with the HORIBA ViewSizer 3000. It uses multiple lasers for complete, detailed analysis of exosomes, viruses, and nanoparticles. Get accurate distribution and concentration information with simultaneous measurement, automatic laser switching, and easy-to-clean sample cells. Say goodbye to cross contamination and get the most precise data.
We have worked towards the development of global ISO standards in Particle Tracking Analysis since 2013. We are authorised distributors of HORIBA Viewsizer 3000 in eastern Europe. Contact us for a chat or a full product presentation. Are you ready for PTA 2.0 ?
[Analytical Equipment...]

Technology and Markets Reports

Reports Unlock the latest nanotech insights with our expert-written online technology reports. Stay ahead of the curve with in-depth analysis, trends and forecasts, all in one convenient place. Get immediate access and start making data-driven decisions today. We evaluate markets, search for competition and find opportunities for novel nano-enabled products.

[Reports Shop...]

Advisory Services

graphene BREC Solutions is a consulting firm focusing on technology and innovation. We specialise in nanotechnology innovation, policy, regulation and standardisation and operate as a network of advisors across the world. We are one of the few consultancies in the world who are monitoring and participating in national and international standardisation. We work with BSI, ISO, CEN and IEC and connecting leaders in industry with academics, regulators and metrology institutes. Our expertise is in terminology, characterisation, measurement, material specification, labelling, certification and compliance. For more information on this activity please contact us directly.

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